My love went home on Christmas morning

Amid the evergreen. 

The candles wept,

The day drew nigh

As my love did close her eyes. 


My love did say to me last night,

‘An angel came to me.

He smiled and said,

“Fear not my child,

Perfect peace does wait for you.”’


For on this day was born,

A child meek and lowly. 

Bitter shame, bitter scorn 

Was born on that cross 

That we might live.


My love sings now in sweetest glory

With angel choirs in heav’n 

No tear is shed,

No burden born

For they joy in perfect love.


For on this day was born,

A child meek and lowly. 

Bitter shame, bitter scorn 

Was born on that cross 

That we might live.



I wander through fields of gold 

With a song on my lips, 

A song silent and old. 

A song that the white dove sings with me. 


I wonder at a thought 

For a fleeting moment, 

But it cannot be caught, 

And flits away like the red lacewing.  

From the mountain,

That smoky mountain, 

Falls a river into the green.

Down it tumbles to rocks below;

Soft and somber it flows unseen. 


Songs of mist,

Songs of mystery 

Are the river’s sweet symphony. 

She hums along to that fateful tune, 

Her words of silence echo and sigh. 


To the sun,

To the sun she smiles,

Wishing for a sweet embrace.

But ever onwards must she go,

Surging forward to end the race. 


Through the valleys,

Under the hills, 

Flows the river to the sea.

Her cries are silent, her tears are dry

So call her anthem lonely. 

Awake my love.

Awake my love. 

Cast off the dreams of night

And with the birds take flight. 

Let me touch your face.

Let me kiss the roses. 


Dance my love. 

Dance my love 

With the grace of a swan; 

Swift as the leaping/bounding fawn; 

Swaying with the trees

And swelling with the seas. 


Sing my love.

Sing my love.

All creatures sing in praise.

To the heavens they raise 

Their voices as one

For glory not their own,

But for the son.

Listen to the nightingale 

As she sings her gentle song

Over hill and over vale 

Luring us all to sleep. 


A gentle breeze wanders by

It fills the sails of silver 

Lifting boats up to the sky 

Where they soar to the moon. 


Dear heart, rest your head, 

Close your eyes.

Let the nighttime thread

Draw you away.

Farewell my brothers, farewell to you.

May your days be well and true,

May your fields bloom and grow and light be frost and snow. 


But think of me when the lark flies,

Look up and say a prayer to the skies. 


Farewell My sister’s, for well to you. 

May your songs be sweet and true. 

May your feet dance with grace and sunshine light your face. 


Farewell sweet mother, farewell to you. 

Mayor cares be light and few. 

Mayor sorrow not be deep and sweet to be your sleep. 


Farewell to your lover, farewell to you. 

Farewell to you.

Softly, tread softly  

Through a palace of oak, 

Upon a velvet carpet, 

A velvet carpet of emerald moss. 


Softly, gaze softly.

Night travels on silent wings. 

It carries a tapestry,

A tapestry of diamonds and glass. 


Softly, speak softly.

Listen to the night music;

A sweet, golden symphony,

A lullaby woven with silky threads.


Softly, sleep softly.

A gentle breeze will fill the sails 

Of the crystal boats. 


So drift away on a silver stream, 

Through the starry sky, 

To a land of dreams. 

All lyrics are copyrighted material. If you are interested in setting them to music, please contact me

For a full list of works, more audio/video, and recordings please visit my complete catalogue page.

© Emma Theresa 2022