
This piece was written for my brother and his fiance as a wedding gift. While writing it, I wanted to embody the delicate beauty, hope, and excitement that is the promise of 'forever.'

Can You Count the Stars? (Live Performance)

Then He brought him outside and said, “Look now toward heaven, and count the stars if you are able to number them.” And He said to him, “So shall your...

Aldebaran for Viola and Piano (Live Performance)

My grandmother, Adriana Verdonk-Romijn, was born in 1923, on a ship that was first named Baronie then Spes Salutes. Her family lived on the ship...

Zonlicht (Live Performance)

Translated to English from Dutch, zonlicht means sunlight. Quite simply, this was the inspiration for my piece. It begins very quietly, very subtly, and slowly grows. Violin I presents...

The Lord is My Shepherd (Live Performance)

The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: He leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul: He...

My Love Went Home (Live Performance)

My love went home on Christmas morning Amid the evergreen. The candles wept, The day drew nigh As my love did close her eyes. My love did say to me last night, 'An angel came to me. He smiled and...

Hadassah (Live Performance)

Hadassah is the Hebrew name of Queen Esther from the Bible – Esther meaning “star” in Persian. Although she was a Hebrew, she became the wife of Xerxes I king of Persia and was therefore placed in a position in...



This song is called ‘Breathe’ because it is for everyone who feels like they can’t breathe right now. Some people feel like they can’t breathe because they...


Over the past months, we have all placed our hope in something. People have hoped that they won’t be locked down again, that the politicians are doing...


This piece begins with the same note played an octave apart. This is meant to represent two hearts that long to be together but are separated by things...


Sometimes all we can see is the road in front of us and sometimes it looks rather bleak. It’s steep and rocky and makes us feel hopeless. Despite this, sometimes...

The full album of Reflections is available on Spotify and YouTube.

For a full list of works, more audio/video, and recordings please visit my complete catalogue page.

© Emma Theresa 2022